GE IC697CPM790 is a 64 MHz CPU manufactured by GE FANUC, with computing power using 32-bit floating-point and microprocessor 80486DX2. The CPU adopts single slot programming software and can be configured and programmed in conjunction with Windows or MS-DOS.
In addition, the GE IC697CPM790 includes up to 12K discrete inputs and outputs (mixed simplex mode only). It has flash memory dedicated to operating system firmware, allowing firmware updates to be made through connections between the PC and module serial ports. The user controls the module operation through programming software or using the operation mode of the run/stop three position switch. Memory protection keys or software passwords can lock configuration and program data.
The CPU has four green LEDs that indicate the status of the CPU. Air cooling requires fan components. Users can connect the bus sending module IC697BEM713 to the programmer to achieve parallel interfaces. A 15 pin D-connector connects to a serial port and is compatible with RS-485. Unless the program is included in the loaded application, it will not run.
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