
HIMA F8652X commonly


HIMA F8652X is a microprocessor commonly used in the field of industrial automation. It has a 32-bit clock frequency and each microprocessor has a memory of 25 MHz. In addition, it is equipped with storage devices such as flash memory EPROM and data memory, as well as communication interfaces such as two serial interfaces RS 485.

Phone:+86 17759635229


HIMA F8652X is a microprocessor commonly used in the field of industrial automation. It has a 32-bit clock frequency and each microprocessor has a memory of 25 MHz. In addition, it is equipped with storage devices such as flash memory EPROM and data memory, as well as communication interfaces such as two serial interfaces RS 485. The HIMA F8652X also has diagnostic display function, which can display common error messages through 4-digit alphanumeric display and 2 LEDs. It is also equipped with a watchdog function to prevent system failures and protect the stability and reliability of the system.

Service contact information]
Procurement consultation hotline: 17759635229 (same WeChat account) QQ: 2306444920
Contact person: Mr. Wu
Company: Guizhou Yuanmiao Automation Equipment Co., Ltd
Address: Hongshan Hotel, No. 42 Hongshanhu Road, North Street, Xixiu District, Anshun City, Guizhou Province (No. 9, 14th Floor, Bailing Hilton Yilin Hotel)
24-hour email response (12 hours);
② If you want to ship to a country outside of Asia, please contact the seller.

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The company focuses on four major systems: DCS, PLC, robotics, and large servo systems
The main products include various modules/cards, controllers, touch screens, and servo drives
Company advantage: Supply imported original products and specialize in producing accessories
Fast delivery time, complete supply, and seller’s inventory of industrial control products worth over 12 million US dollars
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